It's started raining hair here at our house.
For many months I have been planning on growing my hair out to donate to Locks of Love, and organization that makes wigs for children with hair loss. M3 and I did this two years ago and I was looking forward to doing it again.
The cut has come a few inches prematurely, but, the situation being what it is, it looked like it was either now or at least not for a very, very long time.
I am fortunate to have established a relationship with my hairstylist, Linda, over the last 21 years. She was the only one I would let cut my hair, especially on this auspicious occasion. And so, she came to the house, so that it could be a family affair.
Originally, the plan was to shave my head so that I could get the maximum length to donate. But M3 is praying that I won't lose my hair (completely) so I had to at least give God something to work with. She (M3) even got in on the action, cutting one of my braids.
So, for now, I can still go out in public with my head uncovered. And it feels good to have lightened the load. (But M4 thinks I'm scary.)
Clinic Story-Christianise
10 hours ago
It was very good to see you today, after such a long time. Thanks for sharing your story, and being so true to your faith. I am moved by your peace and confidence, and glad that you took the time to stop in. Your story includes the participation of all your family, which tells me that you have shared all the details with them, and helped them deal with it. They are better able to understand God'd hand in this. And see His Glory. A friend of mine told me once during a trying time to praise God in all things. Not because of them, but just because He is God. I see that you are doing that too. Your hair looks great! See you soon.
I love the new 'do!!
You are beautiful with hair or w/o!
Beauty comes from within!
I continue to be in awe of you.
The blog, your e-mails, still home schooling, I'm sure you've started a cancer scrapbook, etc.
The Rogers family is praying for you!!!
Love, LB
Way to go Molly! Cutting the hair is very liberating. It also helps to maintain some control over the effects of chemo. You sound like your doing very well. I'm rooting and praying for you and your next round. Although they are still not a "walk in the park," each round can get to be less problematic. Keep your spirits up and keep up the good work too.
~ Steve from Md.
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