I have to say, I try to take naps. I get tired, get everyone distracted and lay down. And I do rest. That must be all I really need.
Because when I rest, God speaks to me. Not in an audible voice, but in my heart. He will redirect my thoughts and impress something on me that moments before I was not even thinking about.
Remember, I said I knew He would be WITH me in this post. And so, when I am still and quiet, He speaks.
Sometimes He reveals things to me to share on the blog. A few weeks ago He told me it was "time to stop" leading Bible Study. The next day He inspired me with ideas of what could be done in my place, when I had already given it up completely.
He is continuing to amaze me with what He is doing on that front. And I hope to share more of that in the future.
But the other day, He told me it was time to buy a table. Now I wasn't even going to share this, but M1 said I should because God told me to do it.
The short story behind the table is that I have been shopping for a new kitchen table for two years. I had found the exact one I wanted on ebay two years ago, but the timing wasn't right. I failed to get the sellers info and the table info and when it came bonus time in the spring, it was completely gone.
Since then, I have looked on and off in vain for anything closely resembling the table I liked. I have searched the internet for hours. Driven all over town to furniture stores. And even left my phone number at those stores to be called when something like what I wanted came in. But all to no avail.
It had to be round and with eight seats. (Our table seats six, so when we have any company we have to squeeze in on the ends). I wasn't in a hurry and knew some day I would find it.
So, God tells me it's time.
And I think it must have been on the day it was listed. Because I actually forgot for a few days. But when I went to ebay, entered my parameters and got the items that fit, there was MY table. Not the exact one I had seen before, but it was round and had eight seats and was just perfect. And not only that, it was "pick up only" in my city!!
I did get permission from my husband first. And then I BOUGHT it!!
Today it is in our kitchen. We all had dinner around the table together.
And I am grateful that God can even speak to me about something so small as a kitchen table. And that I HEARD Him.
Clinic Story-Christianise
10 hours ago
You should post a photo of your new table in your blog. It is a symbol of all that God is doing for you. You are indeed an inspiration to many people. I'm not sure you know how much you are touching people that you don't even know. I am sure it is God working through you to heal and inspire many of us. I know you have done so much for me in what God has currently put before me. I keep holding onto your strength and faith.
May God continue to bless you and your family.
Molly - Your words went along with a verse that God led me to today: In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength. (Isaiah 30:15)
I rejoice in God's speaking and your hearing His tender voice. I was thinking the other day about how God cares about the little things in our lives and how that amazes me. I automatically assume He's only concerned with major decisions and life/death issues. But He is out of our realm of time and space - the timing or sizing of things are so different to Him than they are to us. What a wonder!
If only more people would STOP for a while ... breath ... and listen. They would HEAR also. All the wonderful things that we were meant to be aware of. xoxo Audra
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